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A day at Nii Juinti

Dec 1, 2016

By Catia Tuzzolino
screen-shot-2016-12-01-at-2-00-09-pmA good part of the grant received from Sacred Fire Foundation allowed the Nii Juinti school to buy all
the necessary instruments and pay the workforce for cleaning, preparing and planting a wide variety of medicine plants typically utilized in the Shipibo culture by shamans.

Last week, for the first time, the students were able to put into practice the knowledge they acquired from their teacher, Medicine woman Mama Ida. During class a man suddenly appeared. He was very sick, complaining of headaches and body pain. Mama Ida examined him in the presence of her students; she made the diagnosis and asked the students to find the medicinal plant.

screen-shot-2016-12-01-at-1-48-36-pmThey went to look for it in the garden outside the school, where they had grown the plants from seed and taken care of them for many months. They then prepared the remedy as they had learned. After that, they applied the medicine to the mans head and wherever his body showed a bad energy.

Now, the patient feels much better, but the treatment goes on. These Shipibo children are learning a lot from the medicine of nature. Through your support to our work this sacred knowledge will go on.

Click here to learn more about the grant awarded to the Nii Juinti school.