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Erick Gonzalez

Erick Gonzalez

Also known by his Tolteca-Azteca name OmeAkaEhekatl and his Haida tribal name Gaada (supernatural light) Tata Erick is a lineage-holder and Daykeeper of the Cakchikel Maya of Guatemala. He has trained in the ceremonial way for 32 years with Indigenous healers and medicine people from North, Central, and South America and was ceremonially initiated as a Mayan Aj Qij (staff of light) in 1994. His Earth Peoples United is creating two models of spiritual land stewardship: one in Guatemala on the shores of Lake Atitlan, and one north of Mt. Shasta in Northern California.

Having walked a life long journey with the ceremonial and spiritual ways of the Earth, Tat Erick is a Mayan Kamal B’ey (Spiritual Guide/Teacher). This incredible journey has guided him to create spiritual sanctuaries north of Mount Shasta in Nothern California and on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala – places of profound beauty, learning and healing. He is the Founder and Spiritual Leader of Earth Peoples United, dedicated to connecting people with the Natural and Spiritual worlds.

With a foundation in oral tradition, Tat Erick shares with a global community via tele-class teachings and lectures at universities, schools, international gatherings and conferences. His wisdom and teachings have also been featured in various documentaries, magazines, journals and books.

Currently Erick is directing the co-creation of the School of Earth Wisdom. With an emphasis on connecting Elders and youth, he continues to coordinate and organize international events, gathering Spiritual Leaders and leading ceremonies.